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The Ultimate Christmas Bundle 2017, Make The Season Magical

Create a magical Christmas season with this bundle of activities, crafts, and learning activities. Make lasting memories as children learn and grow.

Featuring 60 titles this bundle has something for everyone!

The bundle showcases exploration and learning in some of the following: 
• Colors
• Shapes
• Art
• Alphabet 
• Numbers
• Addition/Subtraction 
• Fine Motor Skills 
• Handwriting
• ..and more
For toddler to kindergarten
 Christmas bundle sale 92%

60 Titles
Value: $280
Save 92%
 On sale for $19.95 
Nov 29 - Dec 11 2017

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JrappaTheGiraffeTheChristmasTimeJrappa The Giraffe - The Christmas Time
This is a short story book with the worksheets that will guide your kids to learn about facial emotional expressions. They will learn to know others emotional expression, as the beginning of the empathy. The cute Jrappa The Giraffe is designed to help younger kids to develop emotional intelligence.
25ChristmasBusyBagIdeas25 Christmas Busy Bag Ideas
Your kids will have so much fun this holiday season with these 25 Christmas themed busy bags!
This book contains all the printables needed for your busy bags as well as a link to download them. Grab the convenient supply checklist and you will have a new collection of busy bags in no time!
FunFeltBusyBoxesHolidayEditionHolidays Fun Felt Ideas
Fun felt busy box ideas to keep a child occupied during quiet or waiting time or traveling. Ideas include Valentines Day, Easter, Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

PrintableNativitySceneActivityPackPrintable Nativity Scene Activity Pack

Nativity Themed Printable Activity Pack - Includes Finger Puppets, a Backdrop, Puzzles, Number Match, Games, Playdoh mats, Story Sequencing, Lacing Cards & an Advent Calendar

50ChristmasCraftsforLittleKidsEbook50 Christmas Crafts for Little Kids Ebook

50 Christmas Crafts for Little Kids will inspire you and your children to make a wide range of crafts during the Christmas season. Projects include tree ornaments, decorations, art, gifts and sensory activities.

ChristmasFineMotorPackChristmas Fine Motor Pack

The Christmas Fine Motor Pack includes more than 40 pages of Christmas-themed fine motor activities. These print-and-play activities including pincer grasp practice, lacing, tracing, tweezing, drawing, hole punching, cutting, and more.
DecoratingtheChristmasTreePrintableDecorating the Christmas Tree Printable
Practice counting and colors with this fun printables! Children can color in with markers, crayons, or even dot markers.

HolidayThemedEditableNameandWordTracingPackHoliday-Themed, Editable Name and Word Tracing Pack

This holiday-themed printable tracing pack can be customized for names, words, or numbers ... a low-prep activity that is perfect for classroom or home!

ChristmasReadyKidPackHowtoGuideChristmas-Ready Kid Pack + How-to Guide

Get your kids ready for Christmas with this practical activity pack that includes a few simple essentials to set them up for a fun Christmas season. Pack includes a Christmas Advent Calendar, Christmas Card, Gift Tags, Coupons, Wish List and helpful instructions to get started.
WinterThemedPrintablePackWinter Themed Printable Pack
Printable winter-themed activities included in this pack are designed for children ages 3-6 and a perfect addition to Montessori shelves. The pack contains a large variety of activities that cover different learning areas, such as geography winter characteristics of all seven continents, math one-to-one correspondence, language identifying the initial sound, reading, sight words recognition, classification, and critical thinking.
ChristmasThemedKnoblessCylinderExtensionsChristmas Themed Knobless Cylinder Extensions
This printable is designed to be used together with Montessori Knobless Cylinders. Printable contains 11 variations of Christmas themed extensions: Christmas tree, Ornament, Star, Fireworks, Candy Cane, Christmas lights, Wreath. The main purpose is to reinforce size differentiation.
ChristmasEarlyLearningChristmas Early Learning
With Rhyming, Letter Sounds, 3D Shapes Sorting, Patterning, and Counting, this bundle is chock full of hands-on fun Christmas themed learning activities for the Holiday season. These Christmas activities will be great for your early learning literacy and math centers for preschool, preK, or Kindergarten.
ArcticAnimalYogaCardsWithRealKidsArctic Animal Yoga Cards -With Real Kids
Kids yoga cards with an Arctic Animal theme. Cards include the description of arctic animal poses along with pictures of real kids in the poses. Included in this set is Arctic animal cards with descriptions and pictures as well as full sized printable pictures of the kids in the poses.
TheCountdowntoChristmas24ActivitiestoCreateaMemorableHolidaySeasonThe Countdown to Christmas: 24 Activities to Create a Memorable Holiday Season
The Countdown to Christmas contains a full collection of 24 crafts, activities, and exclusive printables that will allow your children to channel their excitement for the arrival of Santa while helping your entire family break free of the hustle and bustle that is so prevalent this time of year and, with minimal prep, spend your month making memories and starting a few new family traditions.
ChristmasSymbols4partcards Christmas Symbols 4-part cards
These beautiful four-part cards show children different Christmas symbols and explain its meaning. It includes such symbols as wreath, star, light, mistletoe, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, doves, poinsettia, and many others. The material includes 19 cards.
ChristmasActivityPackforPreschoolersChristmas Activity Pack for Preschoolers
This Christmas Activity Pack is jammed with fun learning printables for your preschoolers to enjoy. From number identification and counting to letter recognition and visual discrimination, this pack is sure to keep your preschooler having some holiday fun in an educational way!
ChristmasAdditionStripsChristmas math trips for hands-on activities
These Christmas themed cards are a great way to practice simple addition. These cards can be used in a Montessori environment, as well, and can easily be used to create hands-on activities or as worksheets.
TheverymerryChristmasbundleforlittlechildrenThe very merry Christmas bundle for little children
This Merry Christmas printable bundle is a set of 19 fun Christmas activities perfect for little toddlers & preschoolers. The set has fine motor works, counting, language, drawing printables along with beautiful vintage themed printables and self-affirmation cards!
EmergentReaderSetSightWordGameStone Soup Emergent Reader Set & Sight Word Game
Differentiated set of Stone Soup emergent readers, easy enough for kindergarten. Includes color and blackline versions. All 3 versions include predictable text with picture clues and early sight words.

ArcticAnimalsPreschoolActivityLearningPacketArctic Animals Preschool Activity Learning Packet

This five pages Arctic Animals Activity Learning Pack for Preschoolers is perfect to pair with an arctic animals unit study! There’s enough content here to last a full week, and you can pair it with the Arctic Animals Literacy Pack and the Arctic Animals Math Pack for a well-rounded week of arctic animal themed homeschooling!
WinterPreschoolClipCardsWinter Preschool Clip Cards
Kids will learn early math and literacy skills with this clothespin clip card activity pack

LifecycleofapenguinLife cycle of a penguin

This Montessori inspired life cycle of a penguin pack is made using only real photos. It is perfect to introduce science to preschoolers.

CountingandPrewritingTotPackCounting and Prewriting Tot Pack

Designed to help toddlers and younger preschoolers with letters, numbers, and prewriting skills- this fun Christmas themed tot pack is ready to use. Just print out and learn.

ChristmasPlayDoughMatsChristmas Play Dough Mats

This set of Christmas playdough mats includes six fun designs – a bauble, a Christmas tree, a wreath, a stocking, Santa, and some cookies. They encourage imagination and creativity with open-ended questions to encourage kids to come up with their own ideas. Simply download, print, and play!
HolidayPrewritingActivityPagesHoliday Prewriting Activity Pages
Holiday Prewriting Activity Pages includes 20 black and white December holiday pictures to trace and color. This is a “just right” activity for children who are learning to write, draw and color.

SnowmanPrintablePackSnowman Printable Pack

10+ activities for preschool and kindergarten featuring snowmen! Learn letters, counting, sequencing, and more!

PreschoolChristmasFunPacketPreschool Christmas Fun Packet

Fun preschool printable workbook to practice tracing and counting skills!



HolidayCrackersCompoundWordsHoliday Crackers! Compound Words
Compound Words Game and interactive worksheets set includes 24 full-color crackers also called bonbons or poppers to match in a center 12 interactive crackers to cut out, color, match, and paste and four additional worksheets to match the picture to word and to select compound word versus not the compound word.
5SuperCoolWinterScienceExperiments5 Super Cool Winter Science Experiments
5 Super Cool Winter Science Experiments is a hands-on ebook that contains snowy, sparkly, wintry fun for kids ages 4-10.Create your own icicles, launch tiny snowmen several feet into the air, grow your own wintry snow scene, conjure up an indoor snowstorm, and make a snowman explode using common household supplies!
ChristmasAlphabetPrintablesChristmas Alphabet Printables
This Christmas Alphabet Packet provides a variety of differentiated printables to help kids practice writing and learning the alphabet in December! No color ink needed. Copy saving 12 pages options included for both upper case and lower case letters. Bonus learning games and activities included!
DecemberELASubPlansforKindergartenDecember ELA Sub Plans for Kindergarten
These no-prep Christmas themed language arts activities for Kindergarten are print and go! They are ready to go for a substitute, but you can also prepare the activities to use yourself as a teacher or homeschool parent.
PolarExpressLearningPackPolar Express Learning Pack
This Polar Express Learning Pack is loaded with literacy and math activities {nearly 200 pages}!! It’s a GREAT fit for K-1st learners, although there are certain activities that preschoolers and 2nd graders could use, too!
10 Gum Drop Math Activities
These Gum Drop Math Activities provides you with hands-on math activities using Gum Drops. Grab you STEM cards, measuring, comparing numbers activities, and more here.

GingerbreadManEmergentReaderandSightWordGameGingerbread Man Emergent Reader and Sight Word Game

Differentiated set of Gingerbread Man emergent readers, easy enough for kindergarten. Plus, there's a matching sight word game.

ChristmasMathandLiteracyPackforKindergartenChristmas Math and Literacy Pack for Kindergarten

Wondering how to keep your student learning through the busy Christmas season? Why not work on beginning sounds, number words and a few other skills with this hands-on pack?

ChristmasKindergartenNoPrepMathPackChristmas Kindergarten No Prep Math Pack

Work on kindergarten math with this fun Christmas themed set! Comparing Numbers, Writing Numbers, Teen Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Measurement, Graphing, Tally Marks, Shapes, Counting on, Base 10, Ten Frame, And more!
Addingto5MathCentersChristmasThemeAdding to 5 Math Centers: Christmas Theme
Your students will have so much fun learning addition up to 5 with these 8 math centers and 4 printable activities. There is a strong emphasis on relating the one-to-one counting concept and composing numbers up to 5.

ChristmasNumbersSet0to10Christmas Numbers Set: 0 to 10

Christmas Numbers Set: 0 to 10 is a collection of hands-on and no-prep activities for kids to work on the numbers 0 to 10.

FirstGradeChristmasPrintandGoBundleFirst Grade Christmas Print and Go Bundle

This is a Christmas themed unit packed with fun literacy and math activities, worksheets and centers.

WinterHatMittenBeginningSoundsMatchWinter Hat & Mitten Beginning Sounds Match

This Winter Hat and Mitten Beginning Sounds Match is a fun, hands-on way for children to practice identifying beginning sounds. Connecting the links together is also a great way for them to develop their hand and eye coordination and fine motor skills.
FeedtheReindeerUpperLowerCaseLetterMatchFeed the Reindeer Upper & Lower Case Letter Match
This is a fun Upper and Lower Case Letter matching activity.
ChristmasPlannerChristmas Planner
Everything you need to plan the perfect Christmas! Includes 25+ pages of planning tools including calendars, to do lists, shopping and baking planners, Christmas lists for kids, gift tags, recipe cards and more.

ChristmasSensoryProcessingBookletChristmas Sensory Processing Booklet

Sensory processing information and activities related to Christmas and the holiday season. Activities designed to promote sensory regulation and coping skills for kids with and without specific sensory needs.

ChristmasLetterFindAZinManuscriptandCursiveChristmas Letter Find A-Z in Manuscript and Cursive

Is your student having problems recognizing the upper or lowercase letters of the alphabet? Try these Christmas Letter Find Printables so they can match them up and find all of the letters. One printable page for each letter of the alphabet in print and in cursive font.
ChristmasMazeChristmas Maze
Christmas maze for kids. Help Rudolph make his way to Santa and the reindeer!

12DaysofChristmasCountdownActivities12 Days of Christmas Countdown Activities

Create an easy & memorable 12 Days of Christmas countdown! The pack includes 120 custom-designed holiday tickets for traditional Christmas activities, favorite books, and movies, volunteer ideas & seasonal fun for families to do together -- just choose the activities that your family enjoys the most!
WinterWonderlandPrintableBundleWinter Wonderland Printable Bundle
This Winter Wonderland Printable Bundle includes three bundles of fun - our Winter Crafts, Winter Activities and Winter Coloring Pages.

ChristmasYogaCardsforKidsChristmas Yoga Cards for Kids

Celebrate Christmas through yoga poses for kids! Pretend to be a caroler, cardinal, and candy cane! Download these 56 digital Christmas yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. Includes an Index Card, Pose Instructions, Loving-Kindness Meditation, 20 Yoga Pose Cards, and 20 matching Christmas-themed cards. The yoga kids are multicultural from seven countries.
25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids
25 Christmas Science Projects for Kids combines a Christmas theme with science activities to bring you 25 fun Christmas-y ways to explore your world with your kids! Make snow! Erupt Christmas Colors! Discover what Christmas plant is a natural pH indicator! ...and so much more!!
MerryMemoriesHolidayTraditionstoStartWithYourFamilyMerry Memories: Holiday Traditions to Start With Your Family
Merry Memories is a very special holiday book full of crafts, activities, and recipes to enjoy with your family. Really slow down this year and give your children the gift of your PRESENCE instead of PRESENTS.

ChristmasTactileWritingCardsChristmas Tactile Writing Cards

Teach children to write uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, all with the proper formation. Use them as handwriting cards or for a sand tray.

24DaysofChristmasPrintablesChristmasCountdown24 Days of Christmas Printables Christmas Countdown

Countdown to Christmas with a total of 52 activities! There are at least two different printable activities to choose from each day plus bonus activities and a printable calendar to follow along. Do all of the activities or pick and choose what suits your kids! Includes different math and literacy objectives, games, and more.
WinterArtPromptsBook12PrintablePicturestoFinishWinter Art Prompts Book: 12 Printable Pictures to Finish
12 beautiful winter-themed watercolor prompts for children to finish. Print as many copies as you want: ideal for siblings, art groups and kids who simply like to “do it again!”

ChristmasHandprintFootprintFingerprintArtworkTemplatesChristmas Handprint, Footprint & Fingerprint Artwork Templates

15 Christmas artwork printables to make holiday handprint and footprint art quickly and easily!

ChristmasActivitiesPackforKidsChristmas Activities Pack for Kids

CHRISTMAS HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES PACK FOR KIDS, you'll have everything you need ready for keeping the kids entertained and the family happy this holiday season. 66 pages of fun and learning for Christmas.

ChristmasnoiseandactiondiceChristmas noise and action dice

Have fun playing this silly, crazy Christmas noise and action dice game. Perfect for Christmas parties or just spending time at home with the kids.

ISpytheHolidaysBundlewithAdaptedISpyBooksI Spy the Holidays Bundle with Adapted I Spy Books

6 Winter Themed I Spy Games including adapted versions and 3 Winter Themed Barrier Games

ChristmasPrintablesforKidsChristmas Printables for Kids

This Christmas Printables for Kids set includes lessons, activities, ideas and printables for Playdough Christmas Mats, Christmas Carols Printable Booklet, Christmas Tree Decorating Hands-on Activity, Advent Calendar Christmas Tree Edition, Christmas Words {3-Part Cards}, Christmas Coloring Pages Set 1, Christmas Words 3-Part Cards in English, French, Spanish
FamiliesCelebrate Jesus: An Advent Journey for Families
Designed to help families with children of all ages focus on Christ during the Christmas season Celebrate Jesus provides daily Bible readings, activities, suggested songs with sheet music, discussion questions, recipes, and copy work. This ebook includes 213 pages.

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